$BTC The chips have been highly concentrated on the long side for five consecutive days. The overall market funds continue to be scarce and multi-party momentum is increasing. Can BTC break through the previous wave high and stand firm at 65,000 this week?

From the history of #BTC☀ chip concentration, it is found that BTC has experienced five consecutive days of high bull concentration five times since 2023, namely during the rebound in early and mid-year 2023, the rise in Q4 in 2023, and the post-2024 BTC ETF market...

🛑 Key point: Whenever a similar situation occurs, the chip concentration will return to normal, and the market will subsequently fluctuate or have a certain degree of correction. Among them, the most similar chip status to the current situation is June 2023 and February 2024. These times, extreme short concentration quickly transformed into long concentration...

💡 Does this mean that a short-term shock or correction is about to occur? These days are very critical, continue to observe changes in the data!

At present... BTC's short-term chip concentration has begun to deviate... $SOL The chip surface has weakened. 🧐 It seems that there is a giant whale laying out empty orders.

Data source:blave.org

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