The revelation of the ups and downs of Brother Audi in the cryptocurrency circle is similar to the reason why most leeks in the cryptocurrency circle lose money. It's a pity that they are in their prime. I hope Brother Audi will still be young when he returns to the cryptocurrency circle. As a leek in the cryptocurrency circle, seeing too many coin friends lose money, we leeks should learn to invest rationally and follow the following principles:

1. Do what you can: Don't borrow money or use online loans to speculate on digital currencies. This will increase your debt burden and magnify investment risks. Once the market trend is unfavorable, you may fall into a dilemma of being unable to repay.

2. Be cautious about contract transactions: Contract transactions are highly leveraged and risky. Although it may bring high returns, it may also lead to huge losses.

3. Diversify investments: Don't invest all your funds in one or a few digital currencies. You should build a diversified investment portfolio.

4. Stay calm: Market fluctuations are normal. Don't make impulsive decisions because of short-term price fluctuations. Learn to control your emotions and avoid blindly following the trend or selling.

In this digital currency world full of unknowns and opportunities, we have witnessed countless joys and sorrows. Brother Audi's story has undoubtedly sounded the alarm for us again. He used to be so glorious, but now he is sad. This is not only his personal tragedy, but also a true portrayal of the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem.

I am a blockchain leeks from 2017, and I like to seek relatively safe arbitrage opportunities in CEX and DEX. Welcome to follow and communicate with coin friends!