Hamster Kombat Listing Price - Will #HamsterKombat get listed at $1 ?

Here is our analysis on what the listing price of #HamsterKombat could look like

First of all, Hamster Kombat had one of the best allocation method we have seen ✅

We got over 1,700 #HMSTR tokens and about 1584 would be sent to our Binance account đŸ€š

The highest we have seen on Hamster đŸč Kombat is 27,091 and only 23,908 would be deposited into their selected wallet

If #HMSTR is listed at $0.035, 23,908 coins would be equivalent to over $832 📾 and our 1,500 coins would be equivalent to $52 and this is very achievable but we need to consider the total supply of #HamsterKombat and the number of eligible users

If we see Hamster Kombat at $0.035 let’s all be happy and celebrate it and if we see it above then we party 🎊

Just, reduce your expectations on Hamster Kombat, the numbers are much, the numbers are much

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