After Ethereum closed at 8:00 in the evening, from the perspective of 4-hour technical indicators, the three KDJ lines diverged downward, and MACD moved downward. At the same time, the MA5 10-day moving average showed signs of easing upward sentiment and began to flatten (the TD indicator we mentioned earlier continued to lag behind and the current retracement sentiment has appeared), indicating that short-term bears have the desire to step back. Combined with the hourly line, the current short-term Ethereum price is expected to test the daily MA5 daily moving average support price reference at 2510. Due to the small volume of the weekend, the market will not fluctuate too much, and our intraday layout of low-multiple ideas can be sold to protect the principal. For early morning operations, my personal opinion is to maintain short-term bands, and you can first go high and then low. Real-time guidance is the main focus.

Operation suggestion: Ethereum: 2575-2595 first-line target: 2530-2500 stop: 2615

Big pie synchronization 62900-63400 箜 Target: 62500-61500 Stop: 63700

For the short term, we will stop here and analyze it in detail later.#加密市场反弹 #美联储宣布降息50个基点