1. Profit-seeking mentality:

+ Many of you are going through the downtrend cycle for the first time, so your psychology will definitely be greatly affected and there will be many people who are still haunted by the prolonged dumps with no end in sight. Currently, a wave rate of 30-50% for you will be something of a luxury. Don't miss an entire uptrend cycle because of a small wave.

+ I know that right now your ability to make a profit is very low, just 1 beat x2-x3 and you will think about selling or optimizing immediately. Don't forget how we had to wait and go through the most difficult and harsh part of the cycle. Remember that the x2-x3 account uptrend season is something very normal and there is no reason for us to wait for the entire bear season to finish shorting the bull season.

2. Optimize profits:

+ Most people entering the market from 2020 onwards default to taking profits and will automatically use USDT and Ad's honest advice is that next bull run season you should throw away USDT and switch to that new currency standard. is Bitcoin. Remember that during the uptrend season, Bitcoin can absolutely increase alone, but when BTC decreases, Altcoin will decrease more strongly.

+ For example, if you force an order up to x20 and cannot stand the pressure, instead of taking profits out of USDT and potentially being sold short, you can take profits out in BTC by choosing the altcoin/BTC pair. If you are x20 times altcoin, you only need BTC x2 more and you will be x40. But when BTC corrects, Altcoin will definitely adjust 3-5 times stronger than BTC. You can use BTC to buy back Altcoin to increase the quantity.

Note: Admin does not encourage you to jump in and out. When you take profits, prioritize locking in BTC if you feel the market will continue to increase. If you decide to leave the school, you can cash out directly in VND. From there, it completely replaced Stablecoin with BTC.

+ Closing BTC is the perfect money standard in a comprehensive manual style, very suitable for those who want to optimize and avoid short closings in the next cycle. Tip to avoid selling short is to never take profits out of Stablecoin during bull season.

3. Knowledge:

+ Fundamental analysis is very important, understanding the project helps you make good profits. You can also forecast the project's target and price, thereby devising the most appropriate partial profit-taking strategy.

+ Technical analysis in uptrend is a double-edged sword. During the bull season, the indexes will be pulled up to the maximum fomo level. If you overuse ptkt, it will be easy to close short and lose your position during the bull run season.

+ Admin has advice for you guys: you should not go long-short during the bull season, limit opening charts in daily frames or less. You should only look at the chart from the daily frame upwards, always apply reversal candlestick patterns + volume to find suitable entry and exit points.

+ On-chain analysis: you need to add an on-chain section to update cash flow trends so you can optimize profits according to narrative trends, find projects that are being accumulated, set prices, and divide zones. Distribute goods to combine with PTCB + PTKT to find the most optimal profit-taking area.

+ In short: If you don't have knowledge, you will be disoriented because you don't know how potential the project you hold is, and what area to lock in for the most optimal results. In particular, you will easily get caught in the situation of watching someone else's coin fly while your own coin is heavy, hoping to jump in and out and lose your position.

4. Increase capital:

+ For those of you with low capital, there will be 2 safe strategies for you: airdrop and launching launchpad + IDO.

+ Airdrop is a bet that can x50 or x100 account but sometimes there will also be some extremely high quality free bets like Aptos & Sui
. For some people with low capital, just taking a few bets can completely change their position. Spending a few dollars to inhale a few K$, the RR rate is much higher than Long - Short bets and in the process of interacting with Dapps, your research skills and knowledge will also increase.

+ In addition to Airdrop, Launchpad + IDO bets are also money-making trees for those with low capital. Currently, IDO bets have very few participants and the winning rate is 1:10 with an average ROI of 10-40X. When the Uptrend comes, Launchpad bets will come out continuously and they will be money-making trees for you.

Summary: To prepare for the upcoming uptrend cycle, what you need to do is: Do not close short and how to not close short and change the currency standard from USDT to BTC.

++> Improve skills in CB analysis + Technical analysis + On-chain analysis to be able to take optimal profits and hunt for bets for the next season. If you have little capital, hunt for airdrop + launchpad to increase your capital and especially do not go Long-Short during the uptrend season.

Wishing you guys next season more success than expected!