$Bigtime is hot so share some playing experiences right now to avoid losing money, applicable to many different trends:

  1. Gamefi or other trends get leads when they have leads, in 2021, ASX, in 2023, Bigtime can be the lead gamefi again. The game is carefully invested, has a certain fomo, has a stream with a methodical format, not random builds.

  2. If Gamefi returns or other trends explode, the projects behind them often collapse because of unstable cash flow and unsustainable economic models. DEV farming is geared towards short-term benefits. If you play the game, you will see that the game invests heavily in graphics, gameplay and mainly ponzi. The same goes for other trends, except for lead trends, which bloom early and fade late and cannot last long.

  3. Big and small trends, Gamefi 2021, LSD, Move to earn, the projects become less and less big, because later on, bad DEVs create many projects that take a lot of money. The economic model was created mainly to attract liquidity and then scam, making user trust gradually disappear and x gradually getting smaller. Having missed the first wave, the fear of losing liquidity is even higher. 2021 privates also make you swing a lot. And I went on a private project worth 10k$ and now everyone knows the results.

  4. If Gamefi determines its gaming, it focuses on how long it takes to invest, how much to invest, and what role its token plays in the game. Hundreds of games have been created, but 1 or 2 have survived until now but are still barely alive.

In general, Gamefi will have different build stages, as will other trends. The more we build and fix the error of focusing on the economic model, it will go a long way.

  • Will build the product, test the product and promote the project. Projects that are built in a few weeks or months will boost marketing to attract liquidity and then let them go. Whoever gets in first wins, whoever gets stuck later in the game, profits and investment assets are no longer saved. The proof is that the 2021 gamefi all split a hundred times, didn't roll much but let the dead chart drift.

  • Will raise capital, list DEX and then CEX. BIGTIME list Binance. It is predicted that there will be many quick build projects to take advantage of this wave and list some grass floors like MEXC, Gate..., so you have to be even more careful with your wallet.

  • When playing gamefi, focus on tokens first, games later. Experience through dozens of games says, use that profit to experience the game. Remember it's an experience

  • Many projects that play dishonestly will raise and then scam, so be careful when going private. This will have very little TGE, little push or no push to let it float. I invested and didn't dare to sell, but I also didn't dare to let it go.

In general, it depends on the DEV's discretion. A good, well-built and experienced DEV will be happy to play, and can play many long-distance games. Bad DEV, garbage builds, will bloom quickly and fade away quickly.

Playing experience

  1. Look at gamefi or any trend as part of the game, you have to manage your capital, don't put all your money in it, (if it's too little then all in ^^) Be wary of games that have too many shill communities, because perhaps it has already been divided. You should invest in reasonable capital so that mistakes can be corrected

  2. For example, if you have $500, divide it into 3 or 5 games. Remember the principle is to play tokens, experience the game. There are games that look good but have bad earnings, take a long time to come to fruition, and have extremely high token inflation. You should experience it to understand it better

  3. Playing gamefi is just like trading coins, just x2 the base to gain profit or lock it all to get profit to experience the game. Because the first wave x is large, later x gradually becomes smaller. For those just starting out, that's good.

  4. Don't go private or seed anything. That's the best way to live. Just wait until the game is released and then calculate how to earn. Even though there are some good ones that go private, if you only get a few out of 100, how much money do you have to try them all?

  5. Let's learn basic research: Who is DEV? Backer big? Read and allocate tokens properly? Game model? Test game?

Some websites to learn about gamefi:

  • PlayToEarn.net

  • CoinGecko (Gaming Category)

  • Dapp.com (Gaming Category)

  1. If you have a team to play with, it's great. It's great to plow lead trends like ASX 2021 together. Bigtime also builds for team play.

  • Also, if you miss a wave, wait for the adjustment, there will be a point for you to get on the train, don't be fomo. General principles of trend or coin trading.


Pay attention to the DEXs that have made trash games in 2021, maybe they will come back to take advantage of this wave of games, their nature is difficult to change so be careful. Don't play recklessly because you see good PR or a shill game. If you like to play, take the first move and then fall (10 numbers will probably win 2 or 3 cards), don't invest in the game.