Wallets owned by early Bitcoin miners who received rewards shortly after the blockchain's launch by Satoshi Nakamoto have been seen transferring their BTC. Five miner wallets that got 50 BTC each in 2009 have started moving funds. Data shows one wallet got the reward on Jan. 29, 2009, while three got rewards on Jan. 31, 2009, and the last on Feb. 2, 2009. These wallets likely belonged to individuals present at Bitcoin's inception. Initially mined BTC was worth little, but now valued at $15.9 million with BTC at $63,000 per token. Community members speculate on the wallet owners, suggesting they could be Nakamoto or Hal Finney. The first Bitcoin transaction was from Nakamoto to Finney in 2009. Some users humorously suggest the owners could have found old hard drives or woke up from a coma as millionaires. Read more AI-generated news on: https://app.chaingpt.org/news