**Whales Market and gm.ai founders release latest statement: GM investors have new hope! **

BlockBeats news, on September 21, Dexter, founder of Whales Market and gm.ai, released an exciting statement on the X platform, bringing more details about the compensation plan and the future of the project to GM investors and pre-sellers. Let's take a look at the details!

**Buyback plan: full transparency! **

In order to improve liquidity and promote the development of GM, the team will buy back directly on the chain. Dexter emphasized that in order to ensure transparency, all buyback wallets will be public. This not only allows investors to see the flow of funds at a glance, but also enhances everyone's confidence in the project.

**Additional airdrop: Good news for losers! **

Good news! Some of the GM tokens obtained through buybacks will be airdropped to pre-sellers or early buyers who sold GM at a loss. The specific details will be released later, so stay tuned!

**Market maker cooperation: liquidity is guaranteed! **

To ensure liquidity and volume, the team has brought in a Tier 1 market maker. This means smoother trading of GM tokens and less market volatility.

**Soft deal with Asian fund: The future of AI and crypto! **

The team has reached a soft deal with an Asian fund/accelerator for crypto and AI. Due to the current situation, the fund wishes to remain anonymous until the team proves that it has successfully fixed past issues. The partnership plan is outlined below:

1. The fund will provide the team with resources and funding to continue launching AI and crypto products, and in exchange, the team will provide equity/shares.

2. The only condition for the deal to be reached is that gm.ai successfully executes the compensation plan and maintains progress in the development of gmAI models and R&D of new product ideas.

**Long-term outlook: Creating value for token holders! **

Dexter said that any revenue generated will also be reinvested into the compensation plan. Once the plan ends, this will naturally create value for token holders. Doesn't it sound promising?

**Everyone is welcome to interact and communicate in the comments section! **

Dear friends, what do you think about the latest progress of the GM project?Feel free to leave a comment in the comment area to share your views and questions. Let's explore this promising project together! 😊


In general, Dexter's statement has injected new vitality and hope into the GM project. Although the market prospects are still unclear, the team's efforts and transparency are undoubtedly worthy of recognition. Let's wait and see the future development of the GM project!


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