### Bitcoin node secrets revealed: one in six has a vulnerability, come and see if your node is safe! 🧐

Hello everyone! Today we are going to talk about an important news about Bitcoin nodes. On September 20, Protos reported a noteworthy news: Bitcoin Core developers issued a high-risk warning that one in six Bitcoin nodes has a software vulnerability. This news is a bombshell in the blockchain world!

#### What is the specific situation?

According to the staff of the Bitcoin Core project, there are major security issues in the software running on 17% of the network's nodes. Specifically, all software below Bitcoin Core version 24.0.1 is at risk. According to Bitnodes' monitoring estimates, this denial of service vulnerability affects approximately 3,330 of the 19,200 self-proclaimed user agents of accessible Bitcoin full nodes.

#### What is the vulnerability?

In Bitcoin Core software before version 24.0.1, malicious actors can use low-difficulty header chains to send spam to nodes. By forcing nodes to download and store extremely long header chains, the attack could crash nodes by taking up too much bandwidth or device storage space. The developers fixed this vulnerability in Bitcoin Core pull request (PR) number 25717 and merged it into production with the release of v24.0.1 on December 12, 2022. The current Bitcoin Core node software version (now 27.1) contains fixes for this and other vulnerabilities.

#### How big is the impact?

Although this vulnerability is quite serious, there are few known attacks that exploit it in the public record. Since the cost of generating and broadcasting block header chains to perform denial of service attacks is quite high, this vulnerability has little economic benefit for attackers.

#### What should we do?

If you are a Bitcoin node operator, it is recommended that you check your node software version as soon as possible. If your version is lower than 24.0.1, upgrade it quickly! After all, security is no small matter, especially in the unknown and challenging field of blockchain.

#### Interactive time!

What do you think of this Bitcoin node vulnerability? How much impact do you think this vulnerability will have on the Bitcoin network?Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share your views and insights! We look forward to interacting with you and let us explore the future of blockchain together!

I hope this news can help everyone better understand the security issues of Bitcoin nodes and protect their assets. Remember to follow us to get more latest developments in the blockchain industry!