After the rate cut, the market has been rising for two consecutive days, basically returning to the previous secondary high.

Many people's dying orders have been revived, the market is peaceful, and everyone's long-lost enthusiasm has slowly returned.

However, some are happy and some are sad.

Some people started to make money, but some people misjudged the direction and opened high-multiple short orders, and are now on the verge of liquidation.

For every friend who enters the Thirteen Circle, I basically tell him the investment style of the Thirteen Circle, and it is not recommended to open a contract before the trend has come out.

But there are always friends who don't listen to the advice, and even opened high-multiple short orders after the rate cut, and now they are embarrassed.

Ask me for advice, at this time, Thirteen can't give effective advice. No matter how you operate, you are licking blood on the tip of a knife, and you will be doomed if you don't pay attention.

Taking this opportunity, Thirteen reiterates that everyone should not enter the cryptocurrency circle with the goal of getting rich, but should lower their goals, such as making a little money to improve their lives...

As a retail investor, if you want to achieve financial freedom in the cryptocurrency circle, open a 100x order, hold it all the time, and then achieve financial freedom at the high point...

The ideal is full, but the reality is so skinny.