【Review of the stocks I have shared recently】

I have shared $SUI for almost two months, starting from August. I won’t talk about the stocks before that. It would be stupid to post them in the ancient time. From August 13th to now, including video explanations, I have shared them from the lowest price of 0.7 to let everyone pay attention to the SUI target. I have held on to them and they have risen to 68%. The stocks I bought at 0.7 have doubled now.

Although I haven’t been calling for $OMNI all the time, the increase is not low. I have only called it twice, at 6 and 7, and the most recent time was at 6.86. The current increase is about 40%.

$ENA is the target that I may share next. I also briefly explained the situation yesterday, which can be regarded as a preview. Whether to buy it will be announced to the group in the next survey.

At present, most of the altcoins are actually at the pressure level in the stage trend, that is, the price pressure level, the position with few orders above, which will lead to the problem of low liquidity and low price.

Solving this problem requires liquidity and huge trading volume to push the price up. SUI is a good example. Look at how big the trading volume is below.

Look at me. You may not make quick money in a short time, but it will definitely benefit you. It is better to teach people how to fish than to give them fish.

Japan's interest rate cut may also be a small episode, brothers~~~~

#加密市场反弹 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #特朗普首次使用BTC #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国8月零售销售环比好于预期