After sharing $SUI , I clicked $OMNI again on September 16th. I simply shared the price of $6.84.

The current OMNI increase has been on the increase list for two days. I don’t select from all. I try to share the most promising targets. I only select the best.

From $6.84 to the current highest $8.43, OMNI has increased by 28% in just two days. No matter how high the increase of other tokens is, you can’t buy that price. But if you see what I posted, you can definitely buy it at this position.

SUI is the main target I have shared since August, and OMNI is a secondary choice. If you look through the recent content, you can hardly find other targets.

Why do I choose the right target in this way? Because there are many novice players in the real market. They don’t understand what the risks of the crypto market are. How can novice open contracts and make you lose everything or even lose money in the end?

This way of playing not only allows you to play in the market with a calm mind, but also allows you to earn the money you deserve safely. If you trade slowly, you will find that you don’t have to rely on anyone in the future. #token2049 #加密市场反弹 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储利率决议公布在即