There are red buns to pick up, why do we have to rush to pick up white buns.

The next step is to fall directly. October is the beginning of the fourth quarter and the beginning of the market.

I said this a month ago and I still say this now. I feel that there will be a wave of decline before the real market comes, but I can't say when it will happen.

This is why I don't fomo recently. A knife always has edges on both sides. In the end, everyone has to find something that can make stable compound interest, otherwise they have to accept the long time period of adding positions on dips and the relatively inefficient method!

It's quite stressful to express opinions at this time. The whole market is booming, and the whole market is shouting about the surge. I jumped out at this time and said that there might be blood buns to pick up, which is completely against the public. $BTC $ETH $BNB