9.20 Friday Morning Pancake Auntie Silk Road and Suggestions

Stick to your own principles and don't follow the crowd, and you will become a charming person.

Good morning everyone, during the early morning, the currency price has been in a bullish resonance and upward posture. From the daily technical indicators, KDJ technical indicators and MACD technical indicators are both in the bullish resonance stage. The MA5 daily moving average and the MA10 daily moving average have shown a slight upward trend. It can also be seen from here that the impact of interest rate cuts is great, but the high point MA30 daily moving average continues to fluctuate downward, so whether this area can stand firm is very critical and determines the general direction of the later trend.

Judging from the 4-hour technical indicators, the current indicator changes are not particularly large. KDJ technical indicators, MACD technical indicators and BOLL technical indicators are all in the bull resonance stage. At present, currency prices in all aspects have stabilized above the MA three-day moving average, so the ultra-short-term is still It depends on whether the MA30 daily moving average can be effectively stabilized and broken through. Therefore, today's morning operation idea is to focus on retracement and long positions, supplemented by high short positions.

Friday Morning Silk Road


Duosi Road: Duo near the 62300-62900 area

Target: 63300-63800

Kongtan Silk Road: 638000 Kongn near the upper area

Target: Below 62800


Duosi Road: Duo near the 2440-2460 area

Target: 2530-2580

Kongtan Silk Road: 2580 Kong near the upper area

Target: 2450-2430

(Recommendations are for reference only. The actual operation shall be based on real-time market trends and personal risk tolerance to flexibly adjust the strategy.)

The world is big, meeting each other is fate, maybe your noble person will appear somewhere, maybe today, as the saying goes, you just need it, Shaoqin happens to be professional, some chance coincidences are the road to success. You’ll know if you can make a letter or not. How will you know if you don’t try? Talking on paper is useless. #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #加密市场反弹 #特朗普首次使用BTC $BTC $ETH