Now the pie circle is the original appearance, which is most in line with the spiritual core of the original intention of Bitcoin creation:

What is value investment:

The bull market in 2013 was the bull market of Bitcoin. At that time, Bitcoin was just a meme coin, with crazy fomo and crazy growth. There was no concept of so-called value coins

In the bull market of 2017, Ethereum was in the limelight, ICO triggered big bulls, and all kinds of desires were listed on various exchanges. Being listed on a large exchange is a "value coin". Few of the value coins of that year are still alive

In the bull market of 2020, DeFi At the beginning, I experienced NFT, chain games, metaverse, and finally ended in the zoo carnival.

Defi is essentially a nesting doll game. When the assets are not enough to cover the debts, there will be an imbalance. The most typical Luna death spiral. FTX is essentially a blood transfusion of the exchange. The capital chain is broken and the thunder is broken.

NFT is a small picture hype, online stamps

Chain games are a fund game in the guise of blockchain

This is the so-called value investment

24 years of bull, it seems to have returned to the original state, the era of Bitcoin's dominance and copycats relying on fomo

No longer pay attention to the so-called value VC coins, meme gives power to the community, the value of retail investors is the value, this is the core of decentralization, the original intention of Bitcoin's creation, both social experiments and fun