Many people short sell and think that they will immediately go big when they see an opportunity.

Shorting is different from going long. Going long can resist orders.

Theoretically, if the position is well managed, it will not explode.

But shorting will explode, no matter how small your position is, because the currency can be pulled countless times.

So shorting should wait for the right side to go up with a stop loss.

On the right side, you can't go in when you see a weak signal on the daily line.

At least you need to do a second test. If you are cautious, you can wait for it to break through the range before going in.

This is the only way to control the risk.

If you insist on going up on the left side, then you should also use a small position with a small stop loss to find the position.

If you find it right, you can increase your position and improve the risk control line.

People who are bearish should not be stupid enough to keep shorting. You should wait for a great opportunity to go up.