⚡️Oops! This is big news!

⚡️V God's mysterious fund flow!!

⚡️1300 ETH quietly transferred!!

Attention everyone, on September 19, the wallet associated with V God, the one with the address "0xD04d", suddenly moved 1 hour ago, and transferred 1300 ETH, about 3.17 million US dollars, to another wallet "0x5567".

Then this "0x5567" wallet was not idle, and immediately deposited 74.17 ETH, about 181,000 US dollars, into Paxos.

Speaking of this "0xD04d" wallet, the last time it moved was 348 days ago, when it transferred 1,000 ETH to "0x5567", and then those ETH were stored on the Bitstamp trading platform.

Moreover, this "0xD04d" wallet had previously received a full 70,000 ETH from an address that might belong to Vitalik Buterin or his relatives and friends, which is $171.5 million!

It seems that Vitalik or the people behind him have some big plans this time, which is really curious! What is V God going to do? Comments are welcome!

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