Daily Share

The 4h level rebound of the big cake has broken through 63000. The short-term central axis does not diverge from the segment, indicating that it will continue to rise in the future. The daily level rebound is running. It is not suitable to short in the short term. The upward momentum has appeared, and the callback should be mainly long.

At present, we may need to wait a little longer for the 1h level correction, and it should be able to go up further. The upper target is around 64,500, and there should be a rebound of three buys later.



Due to the rapid changes in the short-term market, the article can only predict the market changes at the moment of publication. Short-term players should pay attention to the latest changes in the market and use it as a reference only.


At the 1h level, Bitcoin has broken through 63,000. The current 1h central axis has not diverged from the rise in the segment, so the overall 4h level rebound has not ended. Moreover, the 1h level rebound here is also in an unfinished state. It is expected that the 1h rebound may go to around 64,000~65,000, and then there will be another 1h level callback. As shown by the blue arrow in the above figure, as long as the callback does not fall below 58,000, there will be a three-buy rebound to continue to rush up.

The next 1h level pullback is expected to be above 60,500 and then continue to rise.

The overall 4h level rebound of Bitcoin broke through 63000, so the subsequent 4h level rebound is likely to continue to extend above 66500. In the short term, it may be easier to do more on the pullback.



At the 15-minute level, the rise of the 15-minute central axis is already in a non-divergence state. In the short term, there should be a 15-minute level correction. Pay attention to the 61,500 level. After that, there will be a 15-minute level rebound to see if it can accelerate to above 64,000.


Let's see how high the 4h level rebound of Ethereum can go. If it fails to break through 2800, then Ethereum will oscillate at a low level to build a central axis and finally rush upward. Regarding the daily structure of Ethereum, tomorrow, the daily structure of Ethereum is still in a bearish trend. Therefore, it is still too early for the overall cottage season to appear, but the cottage should have a rebound demand in the near future.

At the 15-minute level, let’s see if Ethereum will have a 15-minute level pullback in the early morning. Since the rebound of the 15-minute center departure segment is no longer divergent, there will be another 15-minute level rebound after the subsequent 15-minute level pullback to end the 1h level rebound. The short-term target of this 1h rebound is around 2480~2500.

Trend Direction

Weekly level: Downward direction, extension of weekly decline, theoretically around 49,000, the limit is 45,000~48,000, whether it is over or not still needs to be observed

Daily level: The direction is upward, and the range of 67000~70000 should be continued in the short term

4-hour level: The direction is upward. The rebound at the 4h level has extended and broken through 63,000. It will continue to extend to around or above 66,500.

1-hour level: The direction is upward. It is expected that there may be a 1-hour level correction tomorrow, but it can still go up again at present.

15-minute level: The direction is upward. After the 15-minute level callback, there is another 15-minute level rebound.