The market has fluctuated a lot recently, but the impact of various news has caused the technical indicators to be useless, so I didn't do much, mainly because the risk is too great and there is no need at all

And sometimes you really don't need too many codes, and you don't need to operate back and forth to make ultra-short-term profits. You only need to grasp a trend, and the profit is very objective. This is what I often say that the code is not about quantity but about precision

Of course, I estimate that most people can't control their hands when the market fluctuates, so you are not considering whether to give the opportunity to get on the train, but whether you can control your hands when the risk is greater than the profit, because the market will never lack opportunities

Therefore, when the cost-effectiveness is not high, you must control your hands, don't report fluke mentality, and don't be afraid of missing out, and you must remember that the principal is first and the profit is second