♠️ Hello everyone, I'm A10JQK! Today there is another big news that has blown up the cryptocurrency circle!

♥️ Rune Christensen, the founder of Sky (formerly MakerDAO), has released a big move: the mysterious weapon Chronicle Points is finally going to be unblocked!

♣️ Come, let's analyze this explosive news together:

1. What is Chronicle Points?

• This is the oracle that supports Maker

• After 7 years of technical accumulation, it is definitely an "antique" in the cryptocurrency circle

2. Why open it now?

• Competition in the DeFi field is fierce, and Maker needs new weapons

• It may be to attract more developers and users

3. What impact will it have on the market?

• MKR price may fluctuate, please pay attention to the risks

• Other DeFi projects may follow, and the entire ecosystem may be upgraded

♦️ A10JQK Tips:

• Pay attention to Maker official announcements and don’t miss any details

• Study the usage conditions of Chronicle Points, there may be opportunities to make money

• Observe the price changes of MKR and other DeFi tokens, there may be arbitrage opportunities

🃏 Brothers, what do you think of Maker’s big move this time? Is DeFi 2.0 coming? Come to the comment section to talk about your views!

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#MakerDAO大招 #ChroniclePoints解封 #DeFi新时代