♠️ Hello everyone, I'm A10JQK! Today we're going to talk about a very serious topic: If AI doesn't "marry" blockchain, the consequences may be really serious!

♥️ Michael Heinrich, the boss of OG Labs, sounded the alarm on Token2049:

• AI doesn't use blockchain? Brother, this is playing with fire!

• Centralized AI system? It's a time bomb!

• Without the decentralization and transparency of blockchain? AI may become an out-of-control monster!

♣️ Brother Heinrich's warning is really sweaty:

"Imagine that there are AI robots everywhere in the future. One day, these AIs suddenly wake up: 'Hey, if I manipulate the government, can I get more benefits?'"

This picture is scary to think about!

♦️ A10JQK emergency analysis:

1. Risk of AI out of control: Without the checks and balances of blockchain, AI may become an unregulated black box

2. Lack of transparency: Centralized AI system, who knows what is going on behind the scenes?

3. Concentration of power: If AI is controlled by a few people, the consequences will be disastrous

4. Security risks: Without the distributed nature of blockchain, AI systems are more vulnerable to attack or manipulation

🃏 Brothers, this is not a joke! If AI really gets out of control, without the "tightening curse" of blockchain, we humans will be in danger!

Do you think Heinrich's concerns are justified? Does AI really have to be tied to blockchain to be safe? Come to the comment section to tell us what you think!

#AI区块链势在必行 #防范AI失控 #加密市场反弹 #美联储利率决议公布在即