Regarding the interest rate decision announced by the Federal Reserve on the 19th, whether it will be 25 or 50 basis points, I would like to share my personal opinion from the perspective of cycles and rules!

I think it is meaningless to say that a 25 basis point interest rate cut in the market is a soft landing for the US economy, and a 50 basis point interest rate cut is a hard landing.

The Federal Reserve has raised interest rates from negative interest rates to the current 5%~5.5%, which lasted for more than a year, and maintained high interest rates for more than a year, which is the premise for this round of interest rate cuts.

The interest rate cut channel on the 19th was opened, whether it was 25 basis points or 50 basis points. For the market, it is the beginning of this round of water release cycle, which means long-term and continuous benefits on the capital side.

With the recent rise of gold breaking through historical highs, capital has the nature of risk aversion and profit-seeking.

For the financial market, even if the currency circle is a niche market, the passage of Bitcoin and Ethereum ETF spot, the beginning of the Bitcoin halving cycle, and the beginning of the water release cycle.

The next market will surely start a vigorous bull market.

This is the power and trend of cycles and rules, and this trend will not be transferred by personal will.

Believe it or not, the bull market is already on the way, not just not started yet.

It's just that we need to think deeply about what practical relationship we can have.

In the currency circle, only if we master the correct investment methods and investment concepts, losing money will become accidental and making money will be inevitable!

As investors, we should cherish every opportunity to learn, invest our brains, and be an active and positive investor, then our investment will definitely bring us rich rewards.

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