Shocking data from the Bitcoin and Ethereum options markets is exposed: Open positions across the entire network hit new highs!

Today’s market data shows an eye-catching change: the total open interest in BTC options across the network surged to US$21.512 billion, a significant increase from yesterday’s level of US$20.325 billion. At the same time, ETH options open interest also rose slightly to $5.597 billion, from $5.416 billion the previous day. This data not only reflects the market’s strong focus on the future trends of Bitcoin and Ethereum, but may also indicate future market fluctuations.

The data reveals subtle shifts in market sentiment. Climbing open interest in BTC and ETH options could be a sign of upcoming market volatility. For investors, this is not just an increase in market data, but may be a precursor to future price turmoil.

Investors, faced with these alarming open interest data, you may wish to re-examine your market strategy. Paying attention to potential market fluctuations and planning ahead may be a key success factor. Pay attention to Boshi, seize market opportunities, and start a new chapter in your investment!

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