"After two years of silence, the Ethereum ICO whale suddenly woke up with 10,000 ETH on Kraken, and the market is turbulent?"

The big news just broke! 15 minutes ago, an Ethereum ICO participant address that had not moved for two years suddenly woke up and transferred an astonishing 10,000 ETH (worth about 24.37 million US dollars) to the Kraken exchange. This wave of mysterious large transfers has caused widespread speculation in the market: Is it preparing for a large-scale sell-off? Or is there another plan?

The whale's unusual movement, the market is in crisis?

The action of this whale address is extremely rare, and the market often has a chain reaction against the background of such a huge capital transfer. Will the price of ETH fluctuate due to this wave of potential selling pressure? Or is there another fund entering the market to promote short-term speculation in the market? Traders' nerves are instantly tense!

Short-term prediction: Investors need to respond cautiously

For the short-term market, this transfer may be a signal of a battle between longs and shorts. We should pay attention to the next market trend to prevent price fluctuations caused by huge sell-offs.

Lock on Boshi to take you to the ultimate mystery of this wave of Ethereum drama!

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