Hello everyone, I am your cat brother. With the help of Voltaren, my waist feels much better.

Written in front:

The market conditions today until 2 a.m. may not be very interesting. If you don’t have a position, it is best to wait until the winner is decided and then go in with the trend. The risk will be much lower. It is also wise not to eat the head or tail of the fish.

Let’s first look at the liquidation situation on both sides.

By 62904, 90% of the short orders were liquidated, with a total amount of only 778 million

By 54332, 90% of the long positions were liquidated, with an amount of 1.928 billion

Then according to the convention here, the party with larger amount and quantity will clear out the party with smaller amount, and then reverse the situation.

The market will change on the 19th, after all the good news has been released. No matter what, the previous big trend will continue. The benchmark point of the interest rate cut affects the short-term fomo level, such as 25%, 50% or 75% of the surprise, which affects the degree of fomo, but will not affect the subsequent market. Of course, the probability of super big surprises not falling still exists. Short orders with low leverage do not need to care about the changes in price operation. Only those who have spot and long orders halfway up the mountain need to pay attention to the situation tonight.

The time is 2 a.m. today, and price changes will take precedence over news releases. If you can't stay up all night, you can move the stop loss to the support level closest to the current price in advance. If it is swept, then don't buy it. If it is not swept, you can continue trading.

Here's a joke. It's an old joke about taking the train. 2 o'clock after 12:00 a.m. on the 18th is 2 o'clock on the 19th. It's not 2 o'clock after 12:00 a.m. on the 19th, but the 20th.

In the face of the current news, the information that can be obtained from the K-line is actually a lot of distorted, but you should still take a look at it.

Still starting from $BTC

The 4-hour level seems to have no problem with the pattern, the only problem is that the retracement is a bit deep. If it is going to pull up a lot, the retracement last night should not have broken through 605. Holding the half point support of 605, and then going up, the difficulty of probing 620 is much lower than this. The upper side is 616-621-628 in order

If we look at the daily chart, there is a section without resistance in the middle (there is resistance at the 4-hour level), but if it reaches 645, it is not visible for the time being. Let's wait and see the breakthrough of the previous resistance levels. The middle line of the daily line is 596. After rising, it stepped back on the lower middle line, and stepped a little deep. However, the pattern has not been destroyed, and it is still a shock upward pattern. However, you have to consider the impact of the news, because on the daily line, we can clearly see a top-low pattern. As long as the daily level does not reach a new low (the daily closing does not break 538), this will become a large bullish triangle at the daily level. I drew a line yesterday and roughly looked at it. The time will be in early November, ushering in a real "big v Tianlong".

Next watch $ETH

The 4-hour pattern of Ethereum has gone bad again. It is really a hopeless case. You can always believe in Ethereum and Grayscale. This is really the feeling of random shorting. The 4-hour middle line of 2340 cannot be held. The upper resistance level of 2370~2390 and 2414-2450 has almost become a difficult barrier that Ethereum cannot break through. I don’t know how much profit was made in the early stage of Ethereum, and why it has to be washed out to such an extent.

If you have multiple orders with low multiples, every rebound is an opportunity to do T. It can be clearly seen on the daily chart that we have never gotten out of the falling market. Every time it rebounds a little, it continues to fall. If you don’t have many bullets, do the reverse T slowly. If you have enough, don’t add positions now, and wait until Ethereum stops falling at the daily level, then start to cover positions. This is not the bottom, and 2100 is not necessarily the bottom. Continue to wait and see.

Continue watching $SOL

From the 4-hour level, we can see that the increase of SOL is not obvious, which has a great relationship with FTT. Before the actual selling pressure appears, the sentiment has collapsed. Before FTT announces the formal repayment plan and the selling plan, SOL is unlikely to have a big increase, but this gives the opportunity to build SOL positions, so we can keep an eye on SOL and FTT.

The daily level is still in a downward channel. If you want to buy spot, you still need to wait. This is not a good position. 123 is not a good position either. Keep waiting.

Finally, look at bnb

The mining rush of bnb is really obvious. If we are optimistic, we can also see 560-570. 560 is the upper track of the 4-hour level, and it is also the position with the greatest hope.

Now all the funds are pouring into Bitcoin. Some altcoins are also trying to push up the price because their short orders are full (enough fuel). The rebound needs to be based on Bitcoin trading sideways at a high level and the shape is good. Otherwise, Bitcoin will suck the blood of the whole market when it rises, and then fall back when it has pulled enough, causing other coins to be unable to follow the rise (lose blood), and then you will not have the opportunity to rebound.

Finally, I really hate news, especially this kind of big news, it can interfere with the market and force you to keep an eye on the market. You can take some time to catch up on your sleep today, because the real war starts around 2 am.