Last month, a big brother bet 3 million in one go $pepe,

and his assets shrank by 40% in an instant, and he left the market at a loss.

It is very sad to see this.

People often ask, can anyone still lose money in a bull market? I can only answer that yes, and much more than in a bear market.

The more bullish the market, the easier it is to lose money. It seems a bit unreasonable, but it is the fact, and most of them are newcomers or contract players.

Newcomers have almost no knowledge of the cryptocurrency circle. When they hear that the cryptocurrency circle is in a bull market, they rush in and bet everything without caring about anything. They feel that their life has reached its peak and they will become rich overnight. They have already picked out the house to buy tomorrow.

But the reality is too cruel. The final result is that they are cut to pieces and then leave the market with curses.