5 rules for trading in the cryptocurrency circle:

1. If the price rises quickly but falls slowly, it means that the dealer is accumulating chips and preparing for the next round of rise.

2. If the price falls quickly but rises slowly, it means that the dealer is gradually selling. If the price falls quickly but rises slowly, it means that the dealer is gradually selling and the market is about to enter a falling cycle.

3. Don’t sell when the price is high at the top, and run away when the price is low at the top. If the price is high at the top, it may continue to rise; but if the price is low at the top, it means that the price is low and the rising momentum is insufficient, so leave the market as soon as possible.

4. Don’t buy when the price is high at the bottom, but you can buy when the price continues to rise. If the price is high at the bottom, you can buy when the price continues to rise. If the price is high at the bottom, it may be a relay of the decline and needs to be observed; if the price continues to rise, it means that funds are constantly entering and you can consider buying.

5. Trading in cryptocurrencies is trading in emotions, and consensus is trading volume. Market sentiment determines the price fluctuations, and trading volume reflects market consensus and investor behavior!