Blockchain Liangqiu: After the long position of Bitcoin/Ethereum was closed on September 17, short positions were prepared to enter the market in the evening.

The long position ideas of 57500 and 2270 that Bitcoin and Ethereum deployed again last night, the market was pulled up again, and the long position ideas were verified again, which can be seen in the previous posts. At present, Bitcoin has broken through the 60000 mark again and reached the highest level of 60367. Ethereum has also risen to the 2364 line. The long position seems to be very strong, but if the current position cannot break through 60800, the market will still fall back.

In the four-hour view, Bitcoin is also building a double top trend. The recent high point of 60600 can be used as short-term pressure. The upper 60800 is also an important long-short dividing line that has been emphasized many times in the early stage. This position still has strong pressure in the short term. The four-hour Bollinger Bands are still running smoothly, and there is no sign of opening. The short-term long-short continuity is still not strong. Pay attention to the important top and bottom conversion support of 57500 to 58000 below.

For evening operations, short orders are directly entered at the current price of Bitcoin around 60100 to 60300, with a target of around 58500; short orders are entered at the current price of Ethereum around 2350 to 2370, with a target of around 2280. #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储利率决议公布在即 #加密市场急跌