Monday, September 16th, summary and market outlook

The market at the beginning of the week still failed to continue the bullish sentiment of last week. After the adjustment over the weekend, the currency price still went down. During the day, it was given a low and long view. After a slight rebound in the afternoon, it failed to continue to rise. Following the trend, the bears followed the trend. The market also fell back after eating 900 iodine. However, it continued to be bullish at the support area of ​​58,000. The market eventually broke out, and the long orders were unfortunately swept away. Today's participation is also written and protected. The specific participation is as follows.

Big cake 58368 茤 58874 came out and received 506 iodine

Big pie 58954 empty 58028 received 926 iodine

Big pie 58601 empty 58126 received 475 iodine

Big cake 58126 more 57783 bamboo shoots and 343 iodine

Ether 2273 has more than 2299 out and received 26 iodine

The four orders of flatbread received a total of 1907 iodine, the bamboo shoots received 343 iodine, and the single order of ether received 26 iodine. The overall market during the day showed a volatile downward trend. Although there were some losses during the participation, the overall advantages outweighed the disadvantages. There were many changes at the end of the day, so it was good to make timely adjustments.

On the daily structure, there were three consecutive negative events in the short term, and the currency price hit the mid-track support and stayed there. As the saying goes, again and again, and no more, the K-line showed three consecutive negative events, indicating that the short sentiment is still strong, and the market is in a downward trend, 4 The price of the currency has gone down after consolidating at a high level in the hour. Short positions still have a certain continuation in the short term. As the price of the currency gradually declines, you can maintain a high-altitude approach to participate in operations.

Those who do not plan for the overall situation cannot plan for a region. The market situation is unpredictable. Only by setting your mind, observing its trend, making decisions and then acting. Do not be confused in your heart, do not be trapped by emotions, and strategize can you win thousands of miles away. 986429594203408912474621294453999#灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #新币挖矿HMSTR 893783696 651472270830718169356932