🔔 9.16 Liquidation Analysis:

Currently, the liquidation heat of Bitcoin is mainly concentrated near 59200-59700-60200, and the lower part is concentrated near 57900.

The liquidation heat of QQ is mainly concentrated near 2341-2368-2403, and the lower part is concentrated near 2250.

From the liquidation map:

The liquidation range of Bitcoin bulls is mainly concentrated near 58200-57600-57000, and the liquidation of shorts is mainly concentrated near 59000-59400-59800-60200.

The long position liquidation range of Yita is around 2280-2260-2240-2200 below, and the short position liquidation range is around 2335-2355-2375-2400 above

Today, Bitcoin is running around the 57800-59500 range for reference, and Ethereum is running around the 2220-2380 range for reference

From the liquidation chart, Bitcoin's short-term range is around 57800-59500, and the overall range of Yita is around 2250-2350. The short-frequency band depends on the real-time flight situation, and there are updates every day. Pay attention to the Baili community to unlock the wealth code!

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