
$SOL It is too difficult for you to create a miracle.

If you want to earn 5-10 times, then I can help you. I think my ability is to earn this much.

For me, it is enough to change my destiny.

If you want to create a miracle, then it will naturally be 100 times.

But I want to tell you that the times are different. It is not the previous wild development period. You can make money as soon as you come up. You can make money as long as you have coins.

No matter what the project is, the coins that come up now have a high market value, starting at 10 billion.

It shows that the 100-fold coins are gradually fading. Become history, become a low-probability event, and finally become an impossible event.

And 5-10 times is the norm in the currency circle. If the currency circle does not have several times the income and does not have a compound annual income of more than 70% a year.

Then the currency circle will not be so attractive.

Those capital institutions and listed company bosses all say that they are optimistic about the future of blockchain and Bitcoin. This optimism is actually about making money, nothing else.

Why didn't they enter the market earlier or later, but they said they would enter the market when the market developed to a mature and stable stage?

Because they have seen that there is no big risk in this market. Compared with the pure scam, it is much safer now.

Bitcoin and Ethereum are no longer dangerous now.

I will give you a specific strategy for 200,000. I suggest you buy $SOL and then mortgage the coins to borrow 20%.

Go buy other valuable coins, just the top 20 in market value. You can read more of my articles, which have been mentioned before.

Then in the next cycle, you are likely to be a 3 million figure. Then when it reaches 3 million, mortgage all the coins on the decentralized platform and borrow 85% of U. As long as the coin rises, you can borrow, maintain a leverage of about 85%, and keep borrowing until the position is liquidated. When the market falls by 15%, you can exchange your U for your money and enjoy your life. But it is not recommended that you spend too much. In the next cycle, for example, if the coin price falls below the 200-day line and falls by 75%, put all these U into the centralized exchange, borrow Ethereum, and borrow 85%. The more it falls, the more you borrow until the position is liquidated. Then you have bought a price that is almost 20% away from the lowest. Although it is not a bargain, it is only a little more expensive than the bottom, which I think is acceptable. #FTX赎回Solana #美联储利率决议公布在即 #美联储利率决议公布在即 #加密市场急跌