Trading experience in the cryptocurrency circle: from confusion to rationality

When I first entered the cryptocurrency circle, like many newcomers, I was full of expectations for quick profits. However, several blind pursuits of rising and falling made me suffer heavy losses, and I realized that the cryptocurrency circle cannot be successful by luck. Fanatic mentality and greed will only accelerate failure.

After experiencing losses, I began to learn K-line charts and technical indicators such as MACD and RSI. Gradually shift from emotional trading to rational analysis, set stop-profit and stop-loss, plan each transaction in advance, and avoid being led astray by market fluctuations.

Risk control is particularly important in the cryptocurrency circle. The volatility of the cryptocurrency circle is high, and a slight carelessness will lead to huge losses. I learned to set up a strict stop-loss strategy and always remind myself that sometimes waiting and watching is also a kind of protection. Only by being alive can you have the opportunity to wait until the next profit point.

I also gradually pay attention to the movements of giant whales. Their capital flows often affect the trend of the market. By observing the wallet addresses of giant whales, I have caught several big market trends, which makes me pay more attention to the impact of giant whales on the market.

Mentality is the core of trading. In the cryptocurrency world, emotions tend to fluctuate with market fluctuations, but this will only lead to wrong decisions. After experiencing several emotional trading failures, I learned to control myself, not be greedy or fearful, and strictly execute transactions according to the plan.

Finally, cryptocurrency trading is a protracted battle, and there is no need to rush to seize every opportunity. The market is always there, but the right opportunity will not always come. Only by maintaining a long-term vision and rational planning can you be invincible in a volatile market.

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