Hello everyone, I am A10JQK. ♠️♥️♣️♦️ Let's analyze the latest developments and long and short strategies of CKB.

♠️ Price trend analysis:

According to the liquidation map, the current price of CKB is $0.01625. We can see that there is a strong support level near $0.01602, and there are resistance levels near $0.01659 and $0.01717.

♥️ Important positive news:

CKB has released the white paper of the public lightning network Fiber Network, which is the next-generation public lightning network built on Nervos CKB. It aims to provide fast, low-cost and decentralized multi-currency payments and P2P transactions for RGB++ assets. This technological innovation may bring more attention and application scenarios to CKB.

♣️ Long Strategy:

1. Entry point: $0.01625-0.01630

2. Stop loss: $0.01600

3. Target price: $0.01659 in the short term, $0.01717 in the medium term

4. Reason: The launch of Fiber Network may attract more developers and users, driving the value growth of CKB.

♦️ Short Strategy:

1. Entry point: $0.01650-0.01660

2. Stop loss: $0.01680

3. Target price: $0.01602

4. Reason: Despite the good news, the market may need time to digest. There may be a pullback in the short term.

🃏 Risk Warning:

1. The volatility of the overall cryptocurrency market may affect the price performance of CKB.

2. The actual application and adoption of Fiber Network remains to be seen.

3. The liquidation map shows that there are many leveraged positions, which may cause sharp price fluctuations.

📊 Key observation points:

1. Further development and application of Fiber Network.

2. Development of other projects in the CKB ecosystem.

3. Large transactions and capital flows.

♠️♥️♣️♦️ Summary:

CKB is currently in a critical position, and the launch of Fiber Network has brought it new development opportunities. Bulls can consider opening positions near support levels, while bears can look for opportunities near resistance levels. No matter which strategy you choose, you must do a good job of risk management and set a reasonable stop loss.

What do you think of the future development of CKB? Feel free to share your views and investment strategies in the comment section. Remember, risks and opportunities coexist in the crypto market, please invest rationally!


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