The popularity of the inscription finally exploded!

Lao Niu has completely missed this crazy market trend. In summary, he just can’t understand it. He really can’t understand it. It’s true that even sows can take off on the trend. Lao Niu wants to treat these old people To be honest, the behavior of frantically rubbing the inscription on coins is shameless!

Why is your chain stuck? You don't optimize, don't do things, don't update, you just focus on cutting leeks. You can't even hide your knife, okay? It's the first time I've seen such a crazy brand cutting leeks, and you still can't. They all rushed in one after another. Lao Niu really couldn't understand, so it just depends on who can run faster.

Lao Niu will wait for a big drop or after the annual line to arrange some coins, and come in batches with a plan. Brothers, try to keep the rhythm consistent. Currently, I have selected about 5 coins. The plan is to get 30 coins and double the capital. Gold, the remaining long-term is to get the big pie and break new highs. The old cow's currency selection and entry logic can be seen in the front. I won't say which coins are selected now, for fear of you jumping away. Brothers with short positions can go dig #ace . Don't rush for the time being. Yes, the old cow will roar when the time comes to enter the market. Be patient, time changes space.

I am an old cow, I will accompany you to grow, I am afraid that you will lose money

#币安合约锦标赛 #fomc #sats