Hello everyone, I am your cat brother. I was late last night, so I got up late. But there is usually no market on weekends, so it’s okay to get up late.

Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, and it’s time for family reunion. I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in advance!

So let's look at today's situation, still starting from $BTC

The position below is not needed in the near future, so I deleted it, otherwise the lines are piled up and the position is not good. It is better to see it more intuitively this way. Yesterday, it tested 594 and then closed up, but according to the daily level, it should not have stepped on that position. 594 has been tested twice, and now let's see if it can make a short support at 599. If the main force does not take action, it will be sideways + narrow frequency fluctuations. Wherever you look up, in these grids, the top-rushing pattern will appear, so pay more attention.

This is the daily level. The position of the daily line is somewhat different from that of the 4-hour line, and the range is larger. Now it is not important to see how much the big cake rises in a day, but it is more important to pay attention to the position where it falls back. In a bullish trend, there should not be a "two rises and three retreats". As long as it is still running step by step, it is fine. Regardless of whether there is a top-rushing pattern, as long as there is a two rise and three retreats, it is necessary to pay close attention.

Every time the car pulls back before the 19th, it will reverse to pick you up. As for this "high-position" car, it's up to you whether you want to get on or not.

Some key positions should not be broken under normal circumstances. It is not a question of falling back 100 points or 200 points, but a question of the position. For example, the middle track of the 4-hour level, such as the middle track of the daily level. For example, when the strong bulls at the 4-hour level are running above the upper track of KC1 and fall below the upper track of KC1. After this happens, we must pay close attention to the subsequent market operation. When this pattern appears, it often means that the bulls are not as strong as they appear. Calculate the time. When a big positive line appears on the daily line again, it is basically the end of this rebound.

Next watch $ETH

In the 4-hour chart, we can see that the needle last night did not break through the 4-hour middle line, which means that Ethereum is slowly "strengthening", although it still looks weak. The 2450 area is not a place where the momentum of retail investors can break through. There is a probability that 2510~2529 above is the "ceiling" of Ethereum's rebound this time. You can combine the time, and then when the big cake shows a corresponding top pattern, you should go short and lock the short. It is not recommended to go long on Ethereum from Monday to Friday. Because Grayscale's shipment is an uncertain factor. And if you can't keep watching the market, you may feel that the position you feel is good will become a position that traps you when you wake up.

Looking at the daily level, Ethereum is still weak. The lower track has finally started to rise slowly, and it has begun to slowly climb the steps, but this is also based on the premise that Grayscale has not shipped for 3 consecutive days (Saturday to Monday daily line). When Grayscale can sell all the 1 million ETH in its hands, it will reduce the shipment volume. At that time, Ethereum can get a breathing time and start to repair the market seriously. So, my friend, ETFs are not necessarily good things. If ETH did not have ETFs, it would not be so weak.

Then we look at $SOL

At the 4-hour level, it is flat here. How can we say long or short at this position? This position is not suitable for short-term long or short-term short. This is the position where you can neither go long nor short. Be patient. Wait for 135-136 for short-term long and 138 or above for short-term short. But you need to pay attention to how 138 went up. You cannot open a short position against a big positive line.

On the daily chart, Sol should have at least one more "main upswing". Calculating the time, the 4-hour level will not exceed 2 times, and the daily level will only be 1 time. Pay attention to whether the pattern shown in the figure will appear. As long as the retracement does not break the yellow line position, then the yellow line is the beginning of the pull-up.

Finally, let’s look at BNB

Because Binance Coin has reached the top on the 4-hour level, we directly switch to the daily line to see the position, which is more intuitive. The lines in the figure are the 4-hour and daily lines superimposed together, so there will be some lines that cannot be found on the daily level. You can see them when you switch to the 4-hour level and draw the lines.

Last night, it tested 548 and continued to move upward. This position was mentioned before. However, as the price continues to rise, friends who missed out on opportunities will have their confidence in buying weakened. There is nothing they can do about it. They will think this way. They always think that he will reverse and come back to take over, but when he really reverses, they will worry that it will continue to fall. In the end, they did not enter the correct left position, nor the correct right position, but entered a position above the mountainside. The 16th to 19th are positive. If there are no accidents, BNB will reach 573 or higher before the 19th.

Written at the end:

1. There are too many trading strategies. You don't need to learn so many. The more indicators, the better. The more complicated the trading strategy, the better. You should continue with the method that has a high winning rate. Don't worry about whether other people are using this method. You should always believe in yourself.

2. If your sixth sense is very accurate and can help you avoid risks accurately most of the time, then you must always believe in yourself. Don’t let your sixth sense tell you whether the market will rise or fall, and then change your mind after reading Mr. Guangchang’s article.

3. Never enter a short position before a 4-hour level big Yang line is not closed, and never enter a long position before a 4-hour level big Yin line is not closed. You may miss a little bit, but you will reduce a lot of losses.

4. When there is a dispute between long and short positions in the market, for example, when both sides are fighting for a support level or a resistance level, if you wait patiently for 2 4 hours before making a decision, it can help you reduce at least 50% of the loss.

5. This market is never about who earns more at one time, but about who lives longer.

6. Those who cannot afford to lose will never be winners. Don’t let a temporary win or loss affect your mentality and emotions. No one is always victorious, and no one can always be right.

7. We only make the right trades, even if the trade may not end in profit in many cases.

The last

Don't be stubborn and think that the market will definitely fall on the 19th. If the night line on the 19th really cuts interest rates from 25% to 50%, there is a high probability that there will be short-term fomo sentiment, which will push prices up further. So when it comes to the daily line, whether there is a top pattern or not, it is a very stupid decision to go all in and go short at a high multiple. Before the pattern appears and before the final coffin is settled, the top you see may not be the real top. Therefore, you need more patience and more caution, instead of thinking that it doesn't matter and you can go short at any price on the 19th just because everyone says it will fall. If you go all in and go in at a high multiple, once a sky-high big positive line appears on the night line, it will first blow you up and then fall, where will you go to cry? You go to scold Mr. Guangchang again, and you are surprised to find that they have deleted the article about opening shorts, and have posted their long-order profits one after another, and attached pictures: the family members who followed have all made a lot of money.

If you want to make money, you need to be more cautious and careful, pay more attention to the changes in prices and patterns, instead of trying to figure out and imagine the intentions of the main force and the market through "conspiracies, Sun Tzu's Art of War, and Guiguzi" all day long. After thinking so much, the market will either go up or down, and the rise and fall will definitely have signs in advance in prices and patterns. If it is an uncertain market, there is nothing you can do if you make a mistake. The date has been told to you, but you still don't pay attention and be careful at that time. Who can you blame for the loss?

If it really doesn't work, you can lower the leverage to 2x and only do big bets. Use the maximum tolerance to cover the flaws and deficiencies in your operations and mentality, instead of going all-in when you feel there is an opportunity.

When, after you open the exchange, your eyes are no longer full of opportunities and you can’t help but open 3 orders in 1 minute, but you feel that there are potential risks everywhere, and you can control yourself to only make a transaction once a week or two when there is a high probability that a big market trend is about to begin.

Congratulations, you have probably become one of the 10% winners in this market.