September 13th, second consecutive victory, look at the picture, look at the picture, look at the picture! ! !

The first Bitcoin order was shorted at 58200, sold at 57700, and cashed out at 500 points. Ether was shorted at 2360, sold at 2345, and cashed out at 15 points;

In the second order, Bitcoin was long at 57700, 59500 was sold out, and 1800 points were cashed out, and Ether 2340 was long, and 2400 was sold, and 60 points were cashed out.

It’s great to make money by going long at a low position, but it’s as miserable as it is to go against the trend and lose money by chasing short positions. The trend is like a torrential flood and is unstoppable. The way to trade is to follow the trend! #美国经济软着陆? #美降息25个基点预期升温 #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #新币挖矿HMSTR #美国8月核心CPI超预期