You can build an entire app without writing a single line of code.

Keep reading for front end, back end, auth, payments, deployment.

1. Front end

- React [created by Facebook team]: Build component-based UIs.

- Next.js [created by Vercel for deployment]: Framework for server-side rendering.

- Tailwind [formatting CSS]: Utility-first CSS framework for styling.

- Shadcn/UI [polished components library]: Customizable pre-built UI components.

- Framer Motion [minor animation]: Smooth animations for React components.

2. Back end

- PostgreSQL for relational db: Robust open-source relational database.

- Supabase used to navigate Postgres: Instant backend for managing Postgres.

- Drizzle ORM: Lightweight ORM for querying and schema management.

- Next.js used to make API calls: Handles APIs and server-side logic.

3. Authentication

- Use Clerk: Simplifies user management with out-of-the-box authentication and authorization.

4. Payments

- Use Stripe: payment processing solution with easy integration.

5. Deployment

- Use Vercel or Replit: quick and easy app deployment and hosting.