Macro updates leading into the rate cut next week

I'll cover:

1. M2 Growth Global YoY

2. Demand Deposits

3. Next Set of Bitcoin Flows

4. Bitcoin Funding Rates

1. Bitcoin and M2 Growth Global YoY (Fed, ECB, GBM, CNM, JPM...)

The divergence in the red square shows where the FED stopped playing the ball and started decreasing the liquidity. When the tide turns, risk assets should rip.

2. Demand Deposits

Demand deposits are showing positive growth for the first time since 2022. For context, DD's form a significant part of a country's money supply (M1). They

provide liquidity for consumers and businesses. They allow for easy payments and transactions through checks, debit cards, and electronic transfers.

3. Next Set of Bitcoin Flows

68% of Gen Zers and millennials have received an inheritance of nearly $320k on avg. It's believed that the next set of Bitcoin flows will come from them once rates come down. I personally believe the next great set of flows will come from nation state balance sheet and treasury purchases.

4. Bitcoin Funding Rates

For context, funding rates are periodic payments between traders holding perpetual futures contracts. They ensure the futures contract price doesn't deviate significantly from Bitcoin's spot price. Binance now has bear market type of negative funding. Both intensity- and persistency- wise


We'll probably see a 25bps cut acc to @Polymarket and the charts reflect that it's contrarian to be cautiously optimistic of risk assets right now.

I wonder what these chads think?

@0xandrewmoh, @0xmughal, @2lambro, @arndxt_xo, @crypto_linn, @cryptogideon_, @cryptomanran, @dynamo_patrick, @hmalviya9, @jake_pahor, @krybharat, @milesdeutscher, @rektdiomedes, @saushank_, @the_smart_ape, @thedefiplug