[Bank of America: Chinese stock funds attracted $91.6 billion this year] According to a report by Bank of America citing EPFR Global data on September 14, the scale of funds flowing into emerging market stock funds has reached $109 billion this year, of which $91.6 billion flowed into Chinese stock funds, $20.3 billion flowed into Indian stock funds, and $3.2 billion flowed out of Brazil. As of the week ending on the 11th of this month, emerging market stock funds recorded a net inflow of $2.2 billion, marking the 15th consecutive week of inflows. Emerging market bond funds recorded a net outflow of $429 million that week, marking the seventh consecutive week of outflows. So far this year, net outflows from emerging market bond funds totaled $11.6 billion. (Reposted from: Jinshi Data)