58000 is accurate.

I will teach you a way to make money in the cryptocurrency circle.

The value of this post is instantly raised.

Is there any market judgment method with a particularly high winning rate?

There really is one.

Not to mention the percentage, but it is also 80%, 90%.

Formation conditions:

That is, 1. The market must be in a range of fluctuations.

2. There is no particularly big news, maybe the market leverage point.

When these two situations occur.

No doubt, then, this market is purely controlled by the dealer.

3. When the proportion of one side of the long and short is far greater than the other side.

(Like yesterday, the long orders were more than 200 million US dollars more than the short orders. If the long orders are not exploded, will you make money?)

Three conditions are met. You don’t have to think about it, you don’t have to look at any moving averages or trends, they are useless.

Just do the opposite!

Of course, the explosion point fluctuates by at least 2,500 points.

Don’t treat investment as a bet!

If you don’t understand, you can look at the long-short ratio chart below yesterday.

Compared with today's long and short chart.

So what I said means that I will open a short position today.

I won't open one, I think,

The method is right, so don't be impatient, observe the changes and do it steadily.

If it keeps on using the heaven and earth needle, it's too exaggerated.

The dealer shouldn't have such a lack of pattern!

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