12 characteristics of an economic recession:

1. Ordinary people are unemployed in large numbers.

2. Overproduction and insufficient consumption.

3. Factories close down or cut workers' wages.

4. A large number of debtors default on payments.

5. Some people live on the streets or rely on their parents.

6. Young people live in a small house with their parents and parents-in-law.

7. A large number of women are unemployed, and the number of fallen women is increasing.

8. Men don't want to fall in love, and women don't want to get married.

9. Men no longer pay attention to their appearance, and women no longer pursue fashion.

10. People reduce social interaction and mostly spend their time playing cards and chess.

11. Reverse urbanization appears, returning to the countryside.

12. Mental deficiency, the number of people suffering from mental illness has increased sharply

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