Many new crypto traders, eager to start their journey, often face significant losses. Excited by the potential for quick profits, they frequently make mistakes that lead to losing their assets. A large percentage, around 90%, are likely to get involved in scam projects or interact with websites that steal their assets.

Entering the cryptocurrency world can be thrilling, but it's essential to recognize the risks and scams that often trap beginners. Let's explore some common ways newcomers experience losses or fall for scams.

**FOMO (Fear of Missing Out):**

This term describes the anxiety that someone might miss a profitable opportunity, leading to rushed investment decisions. When people see others making big gains, they often feel pressured to jump in without proper research. FOMO can result in buying into an asset at inflated prices, only to see its value drop later.

Here are the main reasons why new crypto traders lose money:

1. **Lack of Knowledge:**

Many beginners dive into crypto without understanding how it works. They might rely on misleading information or invest in projects they don’t fully understand. Learning the basics and doing proper research is crucial to avoid losses.

2. **Pump-and-Dump Schemes:**

Scammers sometimes artificially inflate the price of a cryptocurrency by spreading false information and creating hype. New traders may buy in at high prices, only to suffer losses when the price crashes after the scammers sell their coins.

3. **Phishing and Fake Websites:**

Scammers create fake websites or emails that look like legitimate crypto platforms. Newbies might unintentionally share their private keys or login details, leading to hackers stealing their funds. Always double-check URLs and avoid sharing sensitive information.

4. **Ponzi Schemes:**

Scammers may promise high returns or guaranteed profits through fake investment schemes. Newcomers might invest their money only to discover it was a scam, resulting in financial loss.

5. **Unregulated Exchanges and Tokens:**

Using unregulated exchanges or investing in new, untested tokens can be highly risky. Some exchanges lack proper security, and new tokens could be fraudulent or worthless, leading to losses for inexperienced traders.

**Tips for Staying Safe in Crypto:**

- Educate yourself: Understand cryptocurrencies and their workings before investing.

- Verify information: Always check the legitimacy of sources and websites.

- Use reputable platforms: Stick to well-known, regulated exchanges.

- Avoid FOMO: Don’t let hype or pressure push you into quick decisions.

- Secure your assets: Use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and store your funds in secure wallets.

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