Experts have given advice on the most transparent way of life for modern people:

1. Never let your daughter marry far away.

2. When buying a house, don't buy a large one.

3. Get your hair cut once a month, don't dye it, don't perm it, and don't apply for a credit card.

4. Don't spread family disgrace, and don't divide the room when quarreling.

5. Don't go anywhere during holidays, just lie at home and feel comfortable.

6. Don't try to please people who are far superior to you in ability and circle, it's useless.

7. The poorer you are, the more you need to buy social security. It's better to rely on medical insurance and social security than on your children for retirement. And you have to buy it for 15 years, and you won't refund it no matter how difficult it is.

8. If you don't go to a AA dinner, it's better to order takeout at home.

9. When taking the high-speed rail, if someone wants to change seats with you, first check whether his ticket is a full-trip ticket.

10. If you don't go to a class reunion, the classmates who will contact you will keep contacting you privately.

​11. When you are struggling to choose the first or the second, choose the second.

​12. If you don’t know where to go, go to the library.

​13. Reliable people are: they have an explanation for everything, everything has a destination, and everything has a response.

​14. When you are struggling to love or not love, choose not to love.

​15. Don’t tell anyone about your side job, and even if you do, you have to say that it doesn’t make money.

​16. When the seasons change, sell your unused items second-hand or donate them.

​17. You have a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan, and he has a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan. If you invite him to dinner, it is invalid socializing.

​18. Four things you don’t say in life: don’t say you are poor, don’t say you are too rich, don’t say you are too tired, and don’t say you are bitter.

​19. Be cautious when remarrying, as it is difficult for four surnames to live in one house.

​20. Marriage is about fate, and there is no need to pursue it too deliberately. Two people who are truly destined to be together will easily be together. #LifePoint