2024.9.9 Today's market analysis: ##btc ##eth ##BTC走势分析

In the new week, the market last week should be said to be a shock after the decline. The upper shadow line and lower shadow line of the weekly line are similar, and the real part cannot be said to be particularly long, just like an enlarged version of a cross star, but it is understandable, after all, the market needs to rest after the big market.

Today, we mainly focus on 1 hour, where the standard 123 rule trend appears. It is currently oscillating near the trend line to see if it can stabilize, or fall back to 0.618 (54266.9) and hold up. You can consider long orders. If it can't hold up here, you can only look down to see if the new low of 52510 will have a false break and recovery.

ETH has a potential AMD pattern, which only needs to stabilize above 2310. In addition, this position is also a standard 123 rule trend. It is also oscillating at the trend line position. Let's see if it can stabilize. If it falls back to around 2240 and stabilizes, we can consider long orders. Otherwise, we have to see whether the low point of 2150 can be maintained. I entered a copycat order at the weekend, and the effect is good. I will continue to hold it. This week, I still maintain the low-long idea and wait for a better time to enter the long order.