2024.9.5 Today's market analysis: ##btc ##eth

Yesterday's market rose as expected, and everyone should have received long orders. After all, the 56,000 position has been called for more than half a month. If it is not received, it will be unjust.

In 1 hour, the market rose too fast, leaving a big positive line gap that needs to be filled. Since the daily line has closed with a long lower shadow, it should be mainly long to find a stepping position.

It will be clearer in 15 minutes. The upper 58500-58680 is the neckline position of the previous decline. There is a certain pressure here. If there is a structural change under pressure, you can aggressively enter the short position and bet on the callback action.

There are two positions below that need attention. The first is the low point of the decline and the 57350-57600 area of ​​the lower oscillation range. If it holds up, this is an aggressive long position. The second is the upper edge of the lower oscillation range, that is, the neckline position of 56800-57100. If it holds up, consider long positions. The long positions here are relatively stable.

ETH's support pressure is more obvious. The upper side has just reached the neckline position of the previous head and shoulders top and fell under pressure. Therefore, if it hits 2490 again, it can't go up or there is a top divergence structure, it is possible to consider short positions. Pay attention to the support situation near 2415 and 2385 below. If it holds up, you can consider long positions.

Bitcoin and Ethereum both had false breakouts and recovery actions yesterday, and the closing of the daily line also supports this statement, so today we maintain the idea of ​​low longs, but there is a situation to explain. There will be data in the evening of today and tomorrow. The position must be controlled to prevent unexpected situations!