How do ordinary people view financial warfare? Economic warfare and the harvesting of US dollar capital? To answer in the simplest terms - "loan sharking", you can afford it, but you have to pay it back with your life!

(Anthropomorphic version, it is recommended to read it as a story)

Although this example is a bit inappropriate and imprecise, I think that although it is abstract, the underlying logic is indeed like this.

Financial warfare and dollar harvesting are actually the simplest theories - you used my money, but I have the final say on how to pay it back!

At the beginning, I attracted the inflow of US dollar capital so that you could have money to develop the domestic economy, increase GDP, and complete industrial upgrading. This is the money you borrowed from me, and you have to pay it back. This happens mostly during the period of interest rate cuts and monetary easing.

But when you pay it back, the cost will not be as low as before. And how to pay it back is not up to you, but me.

This situation actually applies to most second and third world countries, and even to first world European countries.

When you use my money, it may not be because you want to use it on your own initiative, but when my money flows into you, I try to make you want to use it, and if you use it, you must pay enough to repay it.

This repayment is not just money, it is the appreciated US dollar, but also the core resources, land, mines, and lifeline of your country. If I want, I may even take all of yours.

And when I acquire your assets, the money I lend you appreciates, but your assets actually depreciate. When an economy is overly dependent on US dollar capital, once interest rates are raised or policies are tightened, and US dollars flow back, you will be short of money. What should you do if you are short of money?

If you are short of money, you need to sell your assets at a low price. I lend you 100 yuan, and when you pay me back, I need to ask you to pay me 120 yuan. In addition, I will use this 120 yuan to buy your assets that were originally worth 200 yuan or even more. Is this easy to understand?

And there is another condition for lending you money, which is that your economy and finance must be fully open to me, and you can even exempt me from taxes, and give me priority over all industries in your country.

Your government cannot intervene, it must maintain a small government status, the development of the market is left to the market to regulate, you cannot intervene. If you want to intervene, sorry, I will withdraw my investment from you. If you do not intervene and the market goes bad, it is your problem, who made you mismanage. If the market is good, it is very good, because the market economy is doing well.

So who is the market? Who decides the market? US dollar capital is the market, and the Federal Reserve decides the market direction. So you have no say.


At this point, many people say, is there really anyone stupid enough to accept such shameless and overbearing terms?

Just like when we look at loan sharks and loan sharks from a third-party perspective, you think that with such high interest rates, no one will borrow, but this business is indeed booming, and the worse the economy is, the better their business is.

For example, Argentina and Ukraine, are they the same examples? If you are not sure, you can check the information yourself to see if the assets of these two people have been emptied out?

Is Japan a typical example? Not really, because it does not have its own sovereignty, so it can only rely on a small government and a central bank to try to resist.

Who will be the next big thing? I mentioned in my previous article about the risk of interest rate cuts that the Asia-Pacific region, countries that are short of money and want to develop, the Philippines and Vietnam.

They are in a backward state. If the US dollar rate cuts and then forms a loose monetary policy, and someone comes with a lot of US dollars to invest, will they refuse? Help them develop industry, military, technology, etc., they will definitely not refuse. Who doesn't want to make their country more developed and catch up with the first world countries?

But what if they pay back the money? What will happen? The outcome will be disastrous, and this outcome may lead to an economic crisis in the surrounding areas and countries.

So can you not pay it back?

Yes, you can choose not to pay it back, but facing a powerful creditor, aren't you worried about being targeted by him? So you must carefully consider whether to pay it back and how to pay it back with the least sacrifice, but it is difficult.

Many people know what loan sharking is like. They pull out cramps, drink blood, and skin people. The most optimistic outcome is that the person survives. If things go wrong, the country may even have to change its owner.