Seven years ago today, CZ had not yet founded a certain security company, Vitalik was still eating at food stalls with everyone, Sun Ge was not "Sun Ge", Yijie was not "Yijie", no one had heard of the name Fat House, and Xiaoxia was still worrying about three meals a day.

This circle is very fast, so fast that it feels unreal. Too many stories have happened in seven years, and these stories are exciting enough to be made into a movie. Seven years have created countless legends. It is these legends that make many people unwilling to leave even if they are bruised and battered, because everyone hopes that the next legend will be themselves.

The road is like this bumpy curve, long and obstructed, and we need to climb up slowly step by step, but whatever can't kill us will eventually make us stronger

Let's just invest honestly. This wave of dappOS and Binance web3 can be said to be a strong combination to hold a new airdrop event again. The method of participation is basically the same as the last time. This time, the joint Kenfa will set off a bloody storm again. The two will develop together and complement each other, and make important contributions to the construction of web3.


Intent assets have a huge impact on Web3

Intent assets are a new type of asset launched by dappOS. They are assets that have both high asset returns and can be used at any time. Whether it is to bring the intention asset to the exchange in the form of native assets, participate in lending, and pledge, users can use it directly. No additional steps are required, and there is no need to wait or endure high slippage.

In terms of usability, Yubibao cannot be used directly in dApp and need to be manually redeemed to the chain. Some interest-bearing assets even require a long redemption waiting period. In terms of security, the use of intention assets is guaranteed by the OMS security mechanism of the dappOS intention execution network. The underlying assets are decentralized and non-custodial, which is safer and more reliable than centralized and opaque "Yubibao".


dappOS will eventually become the leader of the intention track

The development and development of intention assets have also been supported by mainstream web3 products. Recognition of leading projects in various Web3 fields

In the intention asset network promoted by it, providing application scenarios and leading revenue leaders will definitely soar to the sky