The market has fallen sharply. Is it a good time to buy at the bottom now?

Although the risk of cottage is high, it still depends on cottage to turn around! The decline and adjustment started on April 8th. It has been almost 5 months now. There is nothing to be engraved. It is said that the market has been falling on average in September every year for 11 consecutive years, but don’t ignore that October is a rising month every year. The pessimistic thing is that September will fall again, and the optimistic thing is that September gives you the opportunity to buy at a low price. Therefore, the decline in September is the node for you to buy. I must clear all cottages from the rebound from the big drop in April and keep the big cake Ethereum

BNB and hedge. Yesterday I unlocked the hedge and bought cottages with 20% of the total position. With limited funds, if you want to play a big profit and loss ratio, target selection and position management are undoubtedly very critical. I prefer cottages with good fundamentals, high circulation, increased strength of project parties and capital parties, increased declines, and a round of momentum. At the same time, I tend to be the leader of the sector and new coins with high circulation rates.

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