In this article we are going to see how the army evolves in terms of defense. We are going to divide the article into three parts:

🔵 Part 1: Evolution of the army thanks to technology

⚪️ Part 2: Devices used by the Spanish army

🔴 Part 3: Devices used by the US military and others

Technology has had a significant impact on the evolution of the military in the last decade. Advances in areas such as artificial intelligence, robotics and cybersecurity have given rise to new systems and capabilities that have changed the way militaries operate.

Some of the most significant changes include:

Increasing Autonomy – Autonomous systems, such as #drones and robots, are playing an increasingly important role on the battlefield. These systems can perform tasks independently, freeing soldiers to focus on other tasks.

The technology, called SAFR, enables real-time face detection with 98.87% accuracy and can match a face in a live video stream in less than 100 milliseconds.
  • Improving Accuracy – Guided weapons and smart munitions have made armies more precise in engaging targets. This reduces the risk of civilian casualties and collateral damage.

    Soldier with augmented sights and automatic enemy detection
  • Increased Connectivity – Advanced communications systems allow militaries to share information and coordinate operations more effectively. This improves decision making and coordination between units.

    The Army tests Spanish technology

  • Increased Cybersecurity: Armies are increasingly exposed to cyberattacks. Advances in cybersecurity are helping militaries protect their systems and networks against these attacks.

Defense creates the Military School of Cyberoperations to train its computer scientists


As in education with children, they have realized that each person is different and requires personalized needs. For this reason, innovation has also been made in the personalization of the equipment. Technology is allowing militaries to customize soldiers' equipment to fit their individual needs. This can improve soldier performance and safety. In fact, getting down to it, the equipment will weigh less and provide more security.

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This exoskeleton, named GUDEX, has been designed by a Basque company called Gogoa Mobility Robots and provides the soldier with significant improvements:

✔️ Capable of loading up to 40KG

✔️ Allows the soldier to be propelled up to 10km/h

✔️ It has robotic arms with a manipulation limit of 20KG

✔️ Vest with sensors that measure vital signs, heart rate or blood oxygen saturation capable of providing real-time data on the soldier's physical condition

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This logistics base that the army is building in Córdoba, in addition to providing employment, has a technological building. The Army has launched a roadmap for the implementation of new 4.0 technologies - artificial intelligence, big data, 5G, robotics, etc. - in the future Logistics Base in Córdoba, which plans to begin its activity in 2027.

Indra has its virtual reality system where one army platoon can synchronize with another at a nearby base and together, virtually simulate real environments. Basically they are the training of the future, being able to introduce elements at the click of a button, fog effects, helicopters, enemies, environmental difficulty. It also prepares them from the handling of the weapon to more complex instructions. Of course, these systems allow you to save costs and time and generate much faster learning processes as well as evolve and introduce timely or trial changes without fear of injury or death.

It is curious because years ago there was a commander in the Spanish army who said the following:

Virtual reality does not reach #España

Asked about the future of military training, José J. Vicente, from the communication office of the El Goloso Base, assures that the Army does not need to spend on new technologies since it is enough to update the software based on specific needs. : "We don't need a more complex simulator. The only thing is to do more specific missions."

Vicente rules out the use of virtual reality in the Spanish army — "it is not planned that we will implement it in the future either," he assures — but this technology has gradually made its way into other armed forces. The United States Army uses a program called Dismounted Soldier Training System (DSTS) that allows tactics and teamwork to be taught within a virtual environment.

As we have seen, years later, J.J. Vicente's words have not been of much use. Renew or be left behind, they say

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The Army #español seeks to improve the maintenance tasks of vehicles and weapons systems in its logistics parks and, to this end, has promoted mixed reality

What you are seeing in the video has already been tested at the Calatayud base (Zaragoza) and is one of the initiatives that will be reflected in the base that we mentioned previously in Córdoba. If you watch the video carefully and take a look at the computer equipment used by some soldiers, you will see that they leave a lot to be desired... IT'S TIME TO UPDATE

However, to provide some encouraging data according to the 2023 Global Military Technological Development Index (GTDI), Spain ranks 26th out of 137 countries in terms of military technological development.


The most active United States program currently running reality #virtual and exoskeletons is the United States Army's Warrior Web program. The Warrior Web is an integrated combat system that combines virtual reality, exoskeletons and other advanced technologies to enhance the infantryman's combat capability.

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A soldier carries a 27kg load while walking with a prototype of DARPA's Warrior Web system during an independent evaluation by the US Army.

The Warrior Web is divided into two main components:

The virtual reality component provides the soldier with an immersive experience of the battlefield. The virtual reality component uses virtual reality glasses and a motion tracking system to allow the soldier to see and experience the battlefield as if they were there.

The exoskeleton component provides the soldier with increased strength and endurance. The exoskeleton component uses motors to help the soldier carry heavy loads, run faster and jump higher.

In addition to virtual reality and exoskeletons, the Warrior Web also includes other advanced technologies, such as:

An integrated weapons system that allows the soldier to fire accurately from any position. An integrated communication and navigation system that allows the soldier to stay connected with his teammates and command.

The Warrior Web is currently under development, but is expected to be available for combat use in 2025.

IVAS Project 1.2

(Integrated Visual Augmentation System), under this project the acquisition of a large batch of HoloLens by the US Army arose. However, more than 80% of the soldiers spoke of dizziness and nausea, which led to doubts about the viability of the project. The IVAS costs $21.9 billion, needed to provide 120,000 devices over ten years.

But IVAS 1.2 seems to have come to fruition thanks to an important update that includes:

A larger, higher resolution screen

Longer battery life

Improved motion tracking

A new user interface: The system can display intelligence, navigation and targeting information, as well as images from thermal and night vision cameras. It can also be used to provide virtual training to soldiers. IVAS integrates with ground and air platform sensors, allowing soldiers to view external vehicles before dismounting in a dangerous situation. IVAS provides 3D mapping and navigation capabilities and can receive data from unmanned aerial vehicles.

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This is simply nonsense. It's completely amazing

Of course, the army committee is concerned about the already spent $5 billion at the same time that the US Congress is talking about not supporting the project any more financially. An estimated cost of approximately $60,000 per soldier for the complete equipment.

China, on the other hand, follows in the footsteps of the US with the Land Warrior program that they left aside. Specifically the "corner kick" system

A US Army soldier with the full complement of the Land Warrior system

This program allows you to point your weapon and shoot without having to be behind it. That is, the aiming scope is connected to the visor of your eye, allowing you, for example, to shoot from a corner, showing the weapon without showing your head through augmented reality.

Xloong was founded by former Huawei hardware engineer Shi Xiaogang. He created these viewers.

On the other hand, the Scottish police are implementing the use of augmented reality glasses that allow detecting criminals, real-time language translation and even lip reading. At the same time, they can warn of criminals in the area or if people are carrying weapons.

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In China, these same glasses provide even more intrusive information, typical of the country. Police smart glasses feature a camera that connects to a smartphone-style device that processes photos of a suspect's face and returns information such as name, ethnicity, gender, and even addresses. In this way you get augmented reality, artificial intelligence and IoT to be in the same interconnected device.

This is the first article I've released about the military and the Metaverse. You will have noticed that the term Metaverse has not appeared in it but I am almost convinced that if you follow me from the beginning you have been able to find the similarities with multiple technologies that reside in the ecosystem. Using the term is fine as long as we treat it with care without wearing it down. We've seen XR, AI, and even super soldiers with new suits or exoskeletons. If you think that the human of the future Metaverse does not go through all this, wait for the next editions. Likewise, I leave you some articles that relate the army directly to the term in case you are left halfway.

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I have left out many interesting things like nootropics and "pills of the future" but that will be, as I always say, for future editions.

See you !