


Our eyes maybe limited to only what the mind can see and this is what makes trading exciting because people see only what they've trained thier minds to understand.

As a result of this people feel it's impossible for the markets to move any other way besides how we see it.

From time to time you keep hearing guru's bashing other concepts because they became successful with what they saw so it must be the real deal and nothing else exists. Quite an interesting, mind exploring, crowded, unique space this is.

📌Trading is a beautiful journey. Wins and Losses can equally harm you but you need to be able to keep your ego aside and accept that you can be wrong without blaming your strategy and you need to master yourself and kill greed either as a beginner or pro trader and no matter how well a person knows still there's someone who knows more than we always do such as (lns-gram × Cyberworld_20).

♻️You need to learn patience or you'll fall hard sooner or later. Staring at the chart and knowing patterns is one thing but using those patterns to consistently make money is another just as (lns-gram × Cyberworld_20) the above mentioned. And as such the market becomes a mirror that reflects our soul🤍

⚠️To those upcoming traders in this space, trading is not what you see online or done based on assumption but requires statistical and analytical study packaging processing to acquire positive results.

Sometimes our wishes and desires are closer to us even more than we imagine and we always do need someone to get us where we may not reach all by ourselves

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